
International Journal of General Medicine

Park D, Kim HS, Kim JH. Effect of Pre-Antibiotic Use Before First Stroke Incidence on Recurrence and Mortality: A Longitudinal Study Using the Korean National Health Insurance Service Database. International Journal of General Medicine. 2024;17:1625-33.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S456925

의료연구소 박덕호


Applied Sciences

Kim M, Kim J, Lee Y, et al. Analysis of Stakeholder Requirements for the Development of Swallowing Health Management Services. Applied Sciences. 2024;14(9).

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.3390/app14093596

재활의학과 이상억


Computers in Biology and Medicine

Park D, Kim Y, Kang H, et al. PECI-Net: Bolus segmentation from video fluoroscopic swallowing study images using preprocessing ensemble and cascaded inference. Comput Biol Med.172.(2024) 108241.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108241

의료연구소  박덕호 김태연

재활의학과  이상억

작업치료실  손석일 김민솔


Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 

Jung DH, Lee S-E, Park D, Lee JW. A revised approach for electrodiagnosis-based severity classification in carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2024:1-8.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.3233/BMR-230275

의료연구소 박덕호

재활의학과 이상억



Yoo N, Kim HS, Yang JW, Park D. Removal of schwannoma from the psoas muscle with intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring: A case report. Medicine 103(7):p e37244, February 16, 2024.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000037244

신경외과  양중원

의료연구소  박덕호



Sauvigny J, Drexler R, Pantel T et al. Microsurgical Clipping of Unruptured Anterior Circulation Aneurysms—A Global Multicenter Investigation of Perioperative Outcomes. Neurosurgery (): January 19, 2024.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1227/neu.0000000000002829

신경외과  김문철

의료연구소  박덕호


International Journal of General Medicine

Park D, Kim HS, Kim JH. Effect of Pre-Antibiotic Use Before First Stroke Incidence on Recurrence and Mortality: A Longitudinal Study Using the Korean National Health Insurance Service Database. International Journal of General Medicine. 2024;17:1625-33.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.2147/IJGM.S456925

의료연구소 박덕호


Applied Sciences

Kim M, Kim J, Lee Y, et al. Analysis of Stakeholder Requirements for the Development of Swallowing Health Management Services. Applied Sciences. 2024;14(9).

논문 링크 : https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/9/3596

재활의학과 이상억


Computers in Biology and Medicine

Park D, Kim Y, Kang H, et al. PECI-Net: Bolus segmentation from video fluoroscopic swallowing study images using preprocessing ensemble and cascaded inference. Comput Biol Med.172.(2024) 108241.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108241

의료연구소 박덕호 김태연

재활의학과 이상억

작업치료실 손석일 김민솔


Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

Jung DH, Lee S-E, Park D, Lee JW. A revised approach for electrodiagnosis-based severity classification in carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2024:1-8.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.3233/BMR-230275

의료연구소 박덕호

재활의학과 이상억



Yoo N, Kim HS, Yang JW, Park D. Removal of schwannoma from the psoas muscle with intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring: A case report. Medicine 103(7):p e37244, February 16, 2024.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000037244

신경외과 양중원

의료연구소 박덕호



Sauvigny J, Drexler R, Pantel T et al. Microsurgical Clipping of Unruptured Anterior Circulation Aneurysms—A Global Multicenter Investigation of Perioperative Outcomes. Neurosurgery (): January 19, 2024.

논문 링크 : https://doi.org/10.1227/neu.0000000000002829

신경외과 김문철

의료연구소 박덕호

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